
Astronomy moves humanity forward when it is accessible to all.

Below are some of the more recent outreach endeavors I participated in during my time in Tucson. I love meeting with and engaging new people to learn about space in a variety of ways.

Please, reach out at my email below for speaking engagements.

  • Woody's Stars

    My dear friend and fellow astronomer, Charity Woodrum, recently founded a charity in loving memory of her son, Woody Thomas. Woody's Stars is focused on supporting college students with a passion for STEM at the University of Oregon, by alleviating financial burden and providing impactful mentorship that will nurture and guide them through their academic journey. To learn more about Woody’s Stars and Charity’s life story, visit Space, Hope and Charity. If you can help, donations are accepted here: Donate Here


    In 2020, I co-founded a volunteer initiative called the SODEI, which stands for Steward Observatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. It is an unofficial group that consists of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty who want to make our community better. Learn more.

  • Space Drafts

    Space Drafts is the name for the Tucson chapter of Astronomy on Tap, where professional astronomers get to give a science talk at a bar in front of people who want to drink (non-alcohol included) and learn about space at the same time! I’ve given a Space Drafts titled “The History of Supernova Observations”. Learn more.

  • Teen Astronomy Café

    The Teen Astronomy Café program is an out-of-school program that offers high school students opportunities to interact with scientists who work at the forefront of astronomy. I volunteer to lead the high school students through a hands-on coding activity that takes place after a science presentation with a guest Astronomer. Learn More.

  • Project ASTRO

    This program provides an opportunity for K-12 teachers to connect with professional astronomers. I volunteered for this program in 2019 and was paired with a high school teacher at Catalina High School. I helped with extra credit observing nights and gave a science lecture on “The Deaths of Stars”. Learn more.